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Air Duct Cleaning Company

Air Duct Cleaning Company

Every city in California has its own distinctive characteristics and the residents have their peculiarities and differences as well.

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Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality

How would you define your indoor air quality? Would you say it is satisfactory or you would say it is terrible and it needs to be improved?

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Dryer Duct Cleaning

Dryer Duct Cleaning

Air Duct Cleaning in Dublin is here to help you keep your system working exactly the way it should.

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The dryer vent cleaning tips here are written by experts. A collection of knowledge

How to avoid ruining your dryer

According to recent statistics some domestic accidents and fires are due to damaged dryers and complete absence of dryer vent repair. Problematic dryers with suffocating vents and air ducts will not dry the clothes properly. They will produce high temperatures, consume more energy and perhaps endanger your property. If you notice signs of bad performance, you should execute air vent cleaning service.

Maintaining your HVAC system

Aside from professional maintenance of your HVAC system, there are also things that you can do on your own to keep your unit working properly. Wipe visible moist that builts up around the unit and clean the blades of the fans as well. Just ensure that your main power supply is turned off to prevent accidents.

Have the air ducts checked and maintained

Air ducts must be clean, free of mold and insects, and properly sealed. Anything different will reduce the efficiency of air transference through the HVAC system, and apart from having to pay more for energy, you will deal with stuffy indoor atmospheres and possibly health issues.

Check the outdoor HVAC unit for stability at least once a year

The condenser unit can be installed directly on the ground or on a special hard pad. While holding the unit from the top, you should attempt to shake it on the sides. It must stay firmly in place. If it starts to move, it will require adjustment and firm securing to the ground or pad.

Time the changing of disposable HVAC air filters based on their thickness

The thinnest of filters, usually fiberglass ones, require changing every 90 days. The ones that are thicker than an inch may be changed every four to six months. If you use filters that are over three inches thick, replacement is typically required once a year. Generally, you may want to check the filters every now and then to see if they may need to be changed earlier.

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